Saturday, June 15, 2013

Gooooooo runners! (not me)

Spent the morning volunteering in Big Cottonwood Canyon at Drop 13 Half Marathon. 
I think it was my first time ever volunteering at a race.... which is sad, considering how many hundreds I've ran...which of course couldn't have happened without the help of volunteers..... 
So I'm thinking I should do more volunteering at races during this pregnancy. Maybe start bringing Brianna along for the experience. 
Kinda owe it to the sport. 
Though it's a little painful, since I wish SOOO badly I was out there running with them! 
But I've hung up my racing shoes for awhile. 
My knees are really hating the extra load they're hauling around, so I'm going low-impact til I get back into runnin' shape. 
Which will be awhile. 
Worth it?  Yep. 
Still sucky? Yep. 
Saying goodbye to a most favorite hobby is hard. But there are more important things, and this time around I can't do it all. 

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