Monday, October 22, 2012

Indoor Chinese Fire Drill

Courtney is NOT supposed to be sitting back there with Brianna.  I want her sitting in the captain's seats next to Bennett, in her rear-facing carseat.  Of course she and Bennett are over 2 and they could be forward-facing now... but why not keep them safer?  As long as I can recline their seat far enough back so they have leg room, we're keeping them rear-facing and more protected from the possible consequences of my stereotypical Utah driving skills. 

So how has Courtney escaped her spot?  Well we keep an extra seat there since we often have company - Brianna's playdates, Cousin Lily sometimes, and just last week, my friend Erin and her little boy. It's a pain to take it in and out, so we leave it there.    But Courtney and Brianna have become increasingly buddy-buddy.  It's sweet - they really enjoy being together  (most of the time. It's a best-of-friends, worst-of-enemies thing). Sneaky little Brianna will take any opportunity to get out of her seat, unbuckle Courtney, get her into the back seat, and buckle her in.  Not even joking.  All while I'm driving and not paying attention very well.  It's happened twice now.  I tried to reprimand Brianna, and she pretended to fall asleep. Cuz I'm the boss like that. 


Lemonpeel said...

hahaha! this picture is so awesome!!

Hohmann Family said...

That STORY is hilarious!