Sunday, September 2, 2012

My 3 minutes of fame

It must have been a slow news day last week, because 3 news stations thought a little lost-and-found story was evening news material!

Here's the feature on Fox news.    Here's KUTV's take on it.     And KSL's.  

Those links will die off eventually, so I recorded one (very LQ style, just put my video camera up to the screen) and put a copy on YouTube.  Not self-aggrandizement here - no one watches the dozens of videos I put on YouTube  (except that bizarre situation where I suddenly got 78K+ views on a cute video of Brianna going down the stairs).  I just have to keep copies of this, because Brianna has been asking to be on TV ever since she saw me on TV. So I've told her she either has to do something really BAD, or really GOOD.  But doing something GOOD is a better option, because doing something BAD will get her on tv AND into jail, where the food is really crappy and they don't even give you paper to write letters. Or so I've heard.

I have to "thank" my friend Sally Wright for tattling on me.  Since I'm not busy or anything.  Plenty of time to deal with the paparazzi hounding me. 
Lessons learned from being on TV:   SUCK it in.  Do something different with my hair. Somehow hide the double chin. PRACTICE what I say first so I don't stumble all over myself.  Should've found a way to tie Utah Running Guide into this so I could've reeled in more LIKES on my FB Page!  Sheesh.  Wasted opportunity. 

Insider scoop on the lost camera story:  there's one major detail I couldn't tell the news people. I didn't even tell Brandy, the girl whose camera I found and returned.  It involves exactly where/how I found her camera.  Brian doesn't want me telling too many people. But I'll happily tell you if you want to know, because I think it's funny  :)


Unknown said...

Tell me! Was it in the bathroom or something?

chelsea mckell said...

Bathroom?! No, but I'd be interested to know how your mind went that way... :) Emailed you the story.

Malerie said...

Wow! You are awesome!!! What a great story. I'm curious, too about the part of the story you're not telling! :)

Jordan and Crystal said...

i thought mens bathroom. or maybe the garbage can

Julie said...

ok pick me! I'd love to know!

Michelle {Fun On A Dime} said...

I want to know, too!

chelsea mckell said...

emails sent :)

Sally Jackson said...

Me, too, me, too! Oh and for some reason I wasn't seeing ANY of your facebook updates on my newsfeed, so I missed all of this. It has since been fixed!! What a wonderful story chelsea!

Jordan and Crystal said...

i didn't get an email. :(