Sunday, May 20, 2012

Out of Brianna's Mouth Lately

"We've got a mystery on our hands!"

"Don't go out there Bennett, it's a dangerous world!"

"Mom, you're not cooperating with me!"

"Does Jesus know it's St. Patrick's Day?"

"GibbaJabbaBishiBoodoo...... Hey Mom, I'm speaking SIGN LANGUAGUE!"

"Alright BABIES - here's the rules: you can't come in my room without clothes on."

"Mommy, did you toot? Say sorry and I'll forgive you."

"Bennett and Courtney won't get in the stroller, mom.  We're going to have to do this the HARD WAY!"

"Courtney you are a true hero and you have a beautiful heart inside of you and all your dreams are going to come true. They will. I know it."

"You're nothing but a little BEAN, Courtney."

[around 2am, while totally asleep] "No, NO! I don't like it when Bennett does that junk."

[I read an Easter book to Brianna that was talking about Jesus as the Good Shepherd]  "So who is the BAD shepherd?!"

"Ahhhhhh, it's a great day to go potty!"
"Bennett, you have SUCH great ideas!"

1 comment:

Mary said...

Little gems. :)