Friday, December 16, 2011

From Brianna's Mouth Lately....

-"Hey, let's take turns playing with knives! We have to take turns."
-"Mommy, if you keep feeding Bennett, his feet will grow so big!"
-"If you keep feeding the babies, we won't have any more food!"
-"Mommy, am I on the potty train?"
-"Bennett, come with me. I'll put on a movie for you in my room and feed you."
-"When Courtney and Bennett and me lived with Jesus did you marry Daddy?"
-"Mommy can I be married with you?"
-"I ate a carrot. CHECK. I ate an apple. CHECK. Now I need a lollipop."
-"I love you. I love Daddy. I love CourtneyBennett.  I even love myself."
-"Mom, Bennett is showing me his bum!"
-"Jesus sent Clifford to be the Big Red Dog."
-"If you don't give me icecream I will cry - that's what I'll do!"
-"You can't stay mad at your little girl!"
-"I love, I love, I LOVE princesses. Ex-specially when I'm sad, mad, or happy."


B said...

That is hilarious. Love the little quips.

Ioana said...

LOL!!! That's priceless!:)

Becky said...

Ha ha ha! I love those. Very similar notions from my little gal. I love how they say ex-specially and words like it. Marley has been starting her conversations with, "Well, you know..." it's hilarious! Love this age.

One more thing...isn't weird how they love princesses? I do not remember ever being as obsessed with anything.

Lisa-Lou-Who said...

I'm having fun catching up on your blog. I have to say that I have been severely neglectful on my blog reading (and writing) lately and I am finally trying to catch up on things. 1. Brianna is as hilarious as ever. 2. The babies are so big and huge and 3. You look great and are fun and crazy (good crazy :)) as usual.

debbieandstevefamily said...

/so glad you are keeping track of her pearls