Thursday, November 10, 2011


There are a few things I DON'T let my compulsive frugality get in the way of - healthier food, good vehicle, traveling, gym membership, family gifts...

But everything else... I go cheap on.  Sometimes really cheap.

That's why, even after our already lower quality skillet/pan got severely dented (shouldn't have used it to hit that pinata!), we still kept using it. Though an eyesore, it was still basically functional.

Fortunately, my mom noticed the sad little damaged item on our stove, and found it to be an abomination. She immediately took me to Costco for a more appropriate cooking tool.
Brianna was excited to open the new pan.  REALLY excited. Really.
Thanks for the upgrade, mom!  I'm so glad to have nicer kitchen gear to burn cook food in.


Unknown said...

Thank you Nonny for realizing what an abomination that pan was! And mom's are great.

Mark and his Girlies said...

Too funny, my parents saw/did the same thing and new ones were on our doorstep as a house warming gift last week!

DeAnne said...

I'm gonna have to take your mom's side on this one :) the new pan is lovely!