Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Stats Schmats.

I took the babes in for their 15 month appointment the other day. By myself. With Brianna. Few people can identify with how crazy and slightly embarrassing it is to manage that. But we all made it out alive, with the only bandaids being the ones that covered Courtney and Bennett's immunization injection spots. Always so sad to see them getting poked. But it would be infinitely more sad to see them being one of those kids in high school getting measles because their silly parents believed the mumbo-jumbo about immunizations.  Sure they have risks and side effects - both my babies spent the next 24 hours slightly lethargic with a low-grade fever. And they actually slept 11 hours straight - a rarity for them. But the benefits outweigh the risks.
There. My unsolicited soapbox on immunizations.
Moving on...

Bennett 20 lb 11oz 15th%   31.5in 60%

Courtney 20lb 10oz 15th%  31.5in 80%

I'm actually pretty happy about those numbers - it's an increase! And especially since the charts they use come from the CDC, which is pretty skewed.  Still, I find myself frequently trying to think of really high-calorie healthy foods I can get them to eat to fatten them up a little.


Ioana said...

You know, my kids are always into the 5-10th percentile (sometimes off the charts). They're small, but healthy. I wouldn't worry about those charts. As long as they eat, play and act like the rumbunctions little selves they're supposed to be, weight doesn't matter.
And I so hear you about doctor's appointments! Many times I have to take all 4 of them and let's just say that everyone knows we're there!:)

Ariel said...

I used to think parents were silly too until I did my own research:) Vaccines are a blessing and miracle, but I don't agree with how many the CDC recommends or how fast they're given. We chose a conservative vaccine schedule (no vaccines until 6 months-- what my pediatrician recommends actually-- and spreading them out to only one vaccine per visit).

The media has kind of made vaccines a "for or against" kind of issue, but we've found that the right answer (for us) is somewhere in the middle. And that's my unsolicited soapbox:)