Thursday, November 17, 2011

No Patience for Persimmons

Brianna was super excited when I brought home this little beauty from Smiths. We had purchased a few from Costco a week ago and they were amazing. Not quite as good as I remember the ones from Hawaii being, but pretty fabulous for being so far away from the source. Not wanting to wait for it to ripen/soften a little, Brianna cut right into it (she thinks she's old enough to use knives now, among other dangerous activities. This new stage of independence is scary). I heard a screaming/choking/suffocating sound coming from the kitchen. I sprinted over to see her gagging out her slice of persimmon. She cried out, "IT'S...IT'S...EEWWIEE!"
Confused, I cut myself a slice of my favorite fruit.
And I began the choking/suffocating sounds.
After recovering and feeling very betrayed by this persimmon, immediately I googled this freakish phenomenon. Apparently that's what happens when you eat a persimmon before it's totally ripe - you get an intense chalkly taste, which swells up inside your mouth. I can't believe I never figured this out til now. I've had hundreds and hundreds of these fruits. But nevereverneverever again will we eat one again til it's so overripe it's oozing with juicy persimmonyness.


Marilyn said...

Did you see a fun movie today? I would guess that you were really thankful today for the time to go out together as a couple.

Ioana said...

I had not idea that persimmons do that ! Crazy! Good to know and thanks for sharing!

Malerie said...

I love that Brianna is totally "well versed" in produce :)

Megan Smith said...

I love persimmons too! I just had an overripe one for breakfast this morning. It kills me how much I have to pay for them here as opposed to back in CA at the farmer's market -- they're now a special treat.