Saturday, July 9, 2011


Can you even imagine having this many babies all at once...
Scary! But at the same time... just more babies to love!
YAY FOR MULTIPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   (see, I've even started to embrace the use of multiple exclamation marks!  MORE = BETTER!)

I think I forgot to post this picture like 10 months ago.
Just found it while searching for a different picture, and it made my heart melt. Little yellow burritos. So newborn-sleepy, they could crash immedatialy after a bath in the sink. {sigh} I miss this. Not enough to want to do it again anytime soon, but still... Ohmybabies. I just want to squeeze them.
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Cassie said...

Super adorable picture

jocelyn said...

that is such a sweet photo. there is nothing like a cuddly, swaddled, newborn. (or in your case- newborns!)