Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I smiled during General Conference when President Monson shared this same quote that I have up in our home:
I've thought about it a lot (since it's above my oven, and I use my oven a little too frequently :)
The obvious and probably intended meaning is toward marriages - you chose your love (spouse) and now you need to LOVE them. Period. Through trials and differences, forgiving mistakes... you made your choice and you need to stick with it (and by "you" I'm talking in a universal sense). But going beyond that, I often think about my current stage of life and the choices that brought me here. I'm at home all day with three kids. I don't do much besides domestic stuff. I spend hours and hours just keeping everybody here fed and clean. There is so much in the world that I'm not involved in that I would love to be involved in. I've missed voting the past few opportunities because I've felt too knee-deep in diapers to take the time to research the candidates! IF I do my hair and makeup, it's a one-minute quick job. I haven't even unpacked one of my boxes of clothes, because it's my "cute" stuff, and most of the time I hang out in old running shirts and pants! I don't read for pleasure at all anymore - I barely have time to read articles online about children-type issues (most recently googled "what to do when baby falls off bed." Sorry Bennett. Poor guy). I don't blog like I'd like to. I don't exercise like I'd to. Heck, I don't even PARENT like I'd like to! Sometimes I think - did I really sign up for this?! What was I thinking when I chose this route? This is HARD and challenging and I'm not exactly mastering the challenge. I think by the time I figure this out, my kids will be off to college. I've been reading lately about old friends and teammates still in the racing-world.... doing Boston, big local races, winning prize money, running sub-6 pace for miles and miles and miles... I used to do that! And maybe I still could. But not with my current lifestyle and muffin-top! But I'm trying to remember that I did CHOOSE my love... and my loves are my kids. They mean the world to me and have brought more joy in my life than I ever imagined possible. That's a little cliche but really - it's such an intense feeling when I'm holding them all tight, or just sitting on the floor playing with them all.... pure joy and bliss. And I definitely CHOSE to have them here - pregnancy wasn't an accident! Now I need to FORGET about what I'm not doing and what I'm possibly missing out on (and stop rambling here), and just love my choices.


Sam and Melissa said...

I loved this post Chelsea. Really inspiring. You have me wanting to get crafty and make a similar little wall hanging :) Just from your little posts its obvious you are a wonderful mom, one I hope to be like!

Allison said...

I like you. And I like what you said. : ) Glad you posted. Even though I LOVE being mom, it's still hard for me to write "homemaker" in the occupation line of medical documents & such since I used to have a "profession" in the past. Hope you are settling in well.

Malerie said...

Thanks for this post.

Brandon and Kim said...

Really loved this post. I think you are amazing with your kiddos. i could not even comprehend how you manage. I get overwhelmed with the one at times. I am really feeling content lately just knowing I am trying the best I can.

Megan Smith said...

I feel like I should say "Amen". You're doing a great job. It kind of reminds me of my time with homeschooling. Sometimes I felt like I couldn't take one more day of it, lots of nights I cried over it. I loved my kids in a whole different way and enjoyed it so much. And now I even miss it (parts of it). In the end I think life comes down to giving your heart 110% and being grateful to have had the chance to do so.

Sally Jackson said...

This is a wonderful post and your quote has stuck with me all week. You have made some wonderful choices, and your choices are so lucky to have such a dedicated, and loving mother such as yourself.