Saturday, February 5, 2011

Half birthdays!

Today I said to Brian - "Hey, Courtney and Bennett are six months now. Better go stick some bananas in their mouths." And he did. And they liked it. And they made a mess.
So I'd like to continue putting off this solid-food business as. long. as. possible. Can't life just stay simple forever?!
Time for a more thorough update on the babes.
It's hard to know what to say, because I feel like I already blog so much about them.
I'm wondering what I'll care to read about a few years down the road. Or what they'll care to read about themselves.
I'm trying to think.... if my mom made a blog about me, what would I want to know about myself as a 6 month baby?? Honestly, I'd probably just want to see a few pictures, read that I was healthy and on track, and know that my parents were madly in love with me. That's really it.

So maybe this is me just shrugging off my bloggial duties of highlighting and analyzing every aspect of their current sleeping/eating/talking/moving/pooing routines...  but I'll just trust they'll be ok someday reading that, at 6 months old, they were perfectly healthy, happy, and veryveryVERY much loved.

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