Monday, June 28, 2010

33 week update

  • Feeling fine - no major complaints - had weekly checkup today
  • Measuring 38 cm (weeks), 31 lbs gained
  • Still on the low end of normal BP (that's important because Preeclampsia is a major cause of preterm labor for twin moms)
  • No contractions, not even the fake ones
  • HRs were 145 and 135
  • No cervical changes (progression) at all
  • Definitely having a cesarean birth. I know the risks. I've done a lot of research and talked to my doctor about a VBAC with these twins. I've been thoroughly freaked out by the stories and statistics of uterine rupture. I'm resigned to my surgical delivery fate, and trusting that everything will go okay.
  • I used to constantly get told how good/small I looked... now I'm mostly asked how much longer I have left. Just waiting to start hearing that wonderful phrase, "you look like you're about to pop!" Note to world: pretty sure no pregnant woman likes hearing that.
  • Still running 3-4 miles nearly everyday, sometimes on the treadmill, or preferably on the trails if I can drag myself out of bed early enough. Loving every second of it. Still lifting a couple days a week, but definitely not as much as I could/should/want to. 
  • Getting more serious about name choices. We don't want to make this decision on delivery day, and don't want to leave the hospital nameless. Major contenders: Braxton, Charlotte, Bethany, Chandler. Minor contenders: Cassidy, Bennet, Brayden, Courtney, Camelia, Bridgette, Carson.  Middle name choices are set. Feedback welcome, though in the end we'll probably just let Brianna decide.
  • Lots of baby wigglings in all directions. 
  • Hands and feet are a little swollen in this hot weather. Or maybe I'm just calling fat swollen. Wedding ring came off yesterday after a minor panic attack and a rush to find soap and water. 
  • So, so, so much to do before they come. I want my house to be in perfect order and to finish all unfinished projects. Unfortunately Brianna doesn't share my ambitions and just wants to play outside all day. 
  • I think I'm forgetting what it's like to NOT be pregnant. 
  • Still not sure about the sleeping arrangement for all 5 of us. Wish we had a bigger house! 
  • It is seriously so flippin fun to be carrying two babies. I love it. I love the looks I get from people when they ask if it's a boy or a girl and I get to say, "BOTH!" I love talking about them instead of it or just him or her. I love that I can justify almost any amount of weight gain because I'm carrying two. I love thinking about them poking each other inside me. I love the extra excitement and anticipation. I love the twin-mom friends I'm making and the instant connection we have. I love practicing twin-holding with babies like my friend's twins, M&M:
I love being ALMOST DONE!


Unknown said...

I have 100% decided that this baby is going to be a c-section again as well. If the word risk is anywhere around anything I am doing, I will err on the side of caution.
I love the name Beckett for a boy. I know that is not one of the contenders or even a second choice, but I thought I would share since it seems I am never going to have a boy!

Melissa said...

Wow! Its hard to believe you are already 33 weeks...and even harder to believe that you are running 3-4 miles every day! You go girl! Thats amazing!

Jordan and Crystal said...

Your wonder women chelsea! Will they schedule you at 37 if hasn't happened already? Or what do they do? I like Braxton, charlotte and chandler a whole ton...yes let brianna decide!

chelsea mckell said...

Crystal - I'm not exactly sure what's going to happen. My doc says I won't go past 38 weeks. That's August 4th. But most twin moms don't make it that far, especially ones like me set for cesarean. But I want to hang on as long as possible so these babies are born at a healthy weight. So we'll see. Who knows. I'm just taking it day by and day and trying to be ready for anything!

Sally Jackson said...

I can't believe your on the home-stretch--this pregnancy is going by way too fast! I'm excited for you! (duh)

summer said...

you look fantastic - and to be running every day....incredible! I am not even doing that in my non-pregnant state!

and you are right - I think most mom's would prefer not to be told we look like we are going to pop!! :)