Monday, October 12, 2009


Brianna and I took the St. George shuttle from the Vegas airport tonight. It's a great deal - $20 for the 2+ hour ride. Brian picked us up after a meeting that evening - conveniently also in St. George (and sadly - the annual United Way meeting. I really wanted to go to that, for obvious reasons). We let Brianna run around the parking lot for a little bit (poor kid had been stuck in an airplane or carseat for the past 5 hours). Suddenly Brian yells, "Chel - get your camera - it's a tarantula!"

Yep, just wandering around the parking lot... a giant tarantula...all hairy and evil-looking, ready to eat my daughter who kept getting closer and saying "BIG BUG!" I didn't have my camera, sadly, but I did have rocks. I used them. Tarantulas can run away pretty fast.


Dan and Anne said...

How exciting and scary at the same time! I like looking at those things but at the same time I was happy to read you were throwing rocks at it. I guess the kid inside us all will never really be dead. :)

Melissa said...

SICK! I hate spiders!! Sorry you had to see that! I would have totally freaked!