Friday, September 11, 2009

Yes, finally

I don't know how unique or noteworthy these are... but Brianna has reached a few milestones lately that I think may be worth recording:

-She has started responding YES and nodding up and down when I ask her if she wants a particular item or activity. She used to just repeat the word if she wanted it.
-She now says "uh-uh" and shakes her head if she doesn't want it. She used to just say no. Maybe this is actually a regression though...
-She walks around the house singing to herself. Typically the alphabet song, or TwinkleTwinkleLittleStar.
-When the doorbell rings, she runs to it and opens the door and says "HI!" This was a little awkward today because she was diaperless (we're working on potty training).
-She climbs into her booster chair and buckles herself into it. And refuses to eat until she's totally buckled in.

-Brianna is doing much better with using correct pronouns. We work on this often because I think it's ridiculous when kids say things like, "you want lunch" (when they mean I )or "us go outside." Brianna has started saying "carry me" and "I did it" and "your shoes" and "I broke it" (I hear that one often). I also avoid talking in third person because, again - I think it's ridiculous. Like at the park when I heard a mom say to her kid, "Mommy wants Johnny to stop throwing dirt." Then the kid learns to say stuff like "Johnny likes Johnny's big boy bike." Really cool. Not.
Chelsea says sorry to blog reader if offended.

1 comment:

ChrisnDave said...

WOW, IMPRESSIVE!!! Rio has pretty much always refused to sit in a high chair or booster seat (prefers the lap of a family member). He always says, "Ina carry you!" when he wants me to carry him, and lately he's started using the third person thing. And he still generally repeats the word if its something he wants, instead of using "yes" or nodding his head. WELL DONE, C!