Sunday, August 9, 2009

Today was Brianna's first full day of nursery solo!
I dropped her off, they put a nametag on her back, and I slipped out. They said she asked for "mommy" a few times, but obviously nothing too traumatic. I got my first uninterrupted Sunday School and R.S. meeting in awhile. I peeked in on Brianna halfway through and she was was defending her turn on the slide from a bigger girl. That's my baby!
Brian said when he went to pick her up she spotted him at the door and sprinted across the room yelling, "DADeeee! DADeeeee!"


valmike said...

That's so great! I'm sure she's just going to have tons of fun in there with toys and coloring. It's almost strange to go back to class yourself and not have a major distraction with you though. Good luck staying awake!

Unknown said...

That is so great that you can finally take your child to nursery. We have never (and by we, I mean Addison) been fans of nursery until we moved into this new ward. I think it helps that the nursery leaders start the kids off by playing with play dough. That will win you points with Addison EVERY time!