Sunday, August 16, 2009


Whoever invented nursery for the tots deserves Sainthood (oops, wrong religion).

This was Brianna's second time doing a full 2 hours in there. I'm just so amazed - I take her to the door, pin her nametag on her back, say goodbye.... and that's it! When we pick her up, she has some cute craft/art project to show us, she's been fed (not well fed, sadly - they do crap like canned fruit and jello), but she's happy and SO ready for her noon nap.
ps - these pics are from nursery about 6 weeks ago, when I still had to stay in there with her. My ward is pretty nazi on the age rules.


Mary said...

What's wrong with canned fruit? I think preserving is awesome.
Our ward just does goldfish.

chelsea mckell said...

Mary - I mean canned fruit like the store-bought "packed in heavy syrup" junk. It's not that it's WRONG... it's just ridiculous when bringing fresh fruit and slicing it up is so much better and not too difficult.

Unknown said...

I'm glad she is doing so well! Hopefully she'll continue to enjoy it! Emma loves nursery again and doesn't even look back when we drop her off. I love peeking in the peep holes and watching her play with the kids or do puzzles or whatever. If I didn't have meetings I think I might just sit and watch (unobserved) her cuteness the whole two hours. For snacks, our kids get crackers and pretzels and that kind of thing...fruit and jello with a room full of toddlers...that is ambitious!

Brandon and Kim said...

LUCKY!! I wish Cici loved nursery but she was traumatized the first time we put her in since the workers just let her cry bloody murder and never got me. Now we are trying the daddy taking her and I think slowly but surely we will make it. our nursery is just too big with an older and younger nursery with about 15 in each