Sunday, April 5, 2009

Would you like a muffintop with that saddlebag?

Not overweight - over weight. There's a difference.
I'm not overweight by any means - BMI of 22 - but I'm over my weight. Not my BYU running weight...that's a thing of the past, sadly... but MY ideal. I'm discontent, and no one can talk me out of it (not even my sweet husband, who assures me like a broken record that I look great. But he told me that even when I was pregnant and Shamu-sized at a hundred and [ahem] pounds. So his input is invalid). The muffin-tops, saddle-bags, and flying squirrel arms are creeping up. So as mom would say, I'm getting "seriously serious" about this.
I joined:

It's free (I'm not at the point where I'd PAY for help). Such an awesome site - anyone even remotely interested should check it out. So many features and tools... this will be fun (does that sound sarcastic? Hope not. I'm genuinely stoked).
I'm the type that needs some accountability for all those treats that accidentally get popped in my mouth (whoops) and the workouts that get procrastinated to the point of DIDN'T HAPPEN. Since I no longer have a coach yelling interval splits at my back and a scholarship depending on my self-discipline... this program will have to suffice. Wish me luck! I hope my intense anticipation of this is not influenced by my extreme "last supper" today...


Carolyn Quebe Williams said...

I totally know how you feel! haha. BYU racing weight IS a thing of the past...And we are probably the few who understand overweight, and over weight. I'm going through it too in eat-everything-because-you'll never get a chance again-NYC. However, my dear, you are still fabulously beautiful!! :)

Sam and Melissa said...

I understand. It is so hard to get used to your body when you are running twice a day and then go to real life and have to see your body change.. it stinks! Even though no one else notcies you don't have all muscle you do and it stinks! ummm.... my half marathon training was supposed to start beginning of march and it lasted for a week and then i got sick, then i got better and trained for another week and then went on a work trip where there was no gym :( so i am back to the beginning again. so i have a month to get in some serious shape.... you will fly by me in mile 1! I am so excited to see you though! i can't wait.

Debbie said...

So...would this be a bad time to mention the AMAZING cinnamon roll recipe that is unleashed and gone wild?

Malerie said...

Cool! thanks for sharing. I know how you feel. You do look good and I mean it - but I know what you mean about not quite being you anymore :)

Mandy said...

I'll have to check that site out! You make me laugh about your "last supper" It seems every time I decide to try changing my lifestyle, a "last supper" is involved!! :)